crystal meth, cry sprüche, Cry, crystal, Crying, Crystal meths, cry in front of him, cry in front, cry spr, cry sprßche, cry sprche, crystal meth witze, cry sprööche, crystel meth, cry spröche, cry sprFCche, crystel math, crytsal meth, cry sprEFBFBDche, cry sprööööche, Me, Dankesspruche, Korb sprüche, Männertag in sms, Sms sprüche männertag,
When I'm looking out, it's cold and dark. It seems like my soul, my broken heart. Don't wanna start Crying, but I can't hold it back. A part of me is dying and I can't forget...
Spruch gefunden in Verlassen, Liebeskummer
When I'm looking out, it's cold and dark, seems like my soul, my broken heart....Don't wanna Cry, but can't hold it back...a part of me is dieing and i can't forget...
Spruch gefunden in Verlassen, Liebeskummer
What do you do when the only person who can make you stop Crying is the person who made you Cry?
Spruch gefunden in Liebe, Freundschaft, Romantik
The rules of love: kiss on the lips = i love you, kiss on the ear = you are special, kiss on the nose = laughter xD, kiss on the cheek = friendship, kiss on the furehead = i comfort you, kiss on the neck = i want you, kiss on the shoulder = you're wonderful, kiss anywhere else = be careful, play around with hair = can't live without you, holding hands = happiness, arms around walst = you're mine, a hug = i care, smiling at eachother = i like you, lifting up eyebrowns = flirtation, looking around = hiding true feelings, tender kiss on the side of your lips = i never let you go, wetting you lips = waiting for a kiss, tear drop = i'm loosing you, Crying = i lost you
Spruch gefunden in Liebe, Freundschaft, Romantik
If you told me to Cry for you, I could.If you told me to die for you, I would.Just take a look at my face,there's no price I won't pay to say these words to you...
Spruch gefunden in Liebe, Freundschaft, Romantik
Don't Cry darling cause you should keep the tears for the moment which is really amoment for see the sun in your life and stop waiting for a man which isn't it worth ....
Spruch gefunden in Liebe, Freundschaft, Romantik
Through the fire,to the limit,to the wall!Babyboy I'm not a lyer,I love and that's true!Your love takes me higher and if you go I'll fall!For a chance to be with you,I would risk it all.I'll change ma game 4 you and I want only the best for you!I love you honey,no matter what they say.For a chance to be with you, I'd take it all away!Tell me why you Cry?Here take ma hand and wipe those tears from your eyes!Right down through the wire,I love you and go for you through the fire!!
Spruch gefunden in Liebe, Freundschaft, Romantik
Don`t Cry because it`s over, just smile because it happened!
Spruch gefunden in Liebe, Freundschaft, Romantik
I want to stand and walk with you. I will laugh and Cry with you. I want everything with you! But what do you want?
Spruch gefunden in Liebe, Freundschaft, Romantik
day for day Crying, day for day waiting for you, day for day beeing lonely, day for day hoping, hoping my whole life that you love me. but you don't...
Spruch gefunden in Verlassen, Liebeskummer
Lieber einen Haufen Hunde vor - als einen Hundehaufen in der Wohnung.
Witz gefunden in Lieber ... als
Lieber einen Koffer in Berlin als den Führerschein in Flensburg.
Witz gefunden in Lieber ... als
Lieber einen Tennisarm als einen Reiterhintern.
Witz gefunden in Lieber ... als
Lieber einen zuviel getrunken als einen zuviel bezahlt.
Witz gefunden in Lieber ... als
Lieber einen zweiten Frühling als dritte Zähne.
Witz gefunden in Lieber ... als
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