I was always there for you.Did all the things you didn't do.I picked you up when you was Down.I made laugh when you was frown.With every beating of my heart, even if I torn apart.I love you more than words can say, but step by step it fades away.And that's not how it used to be, but now I know you've blinded me.My life will never be the same and when I remember the signs it's such a shame.But now I try to keep my feelings kept and lets pretend we've never met...
Through the fire,to the limit,to the wall!Babyboy I'm not a lyer,I love and that's true!Your love takes me higher and if you go I'll fall!For a chance to be with you,I would risk it all.I'll change ma game 4 you and I want only the best for you!I love you honey,no matter what they say.For a chance to be with you, I'd take it all away!Tell me why you cry?Here take ma hand and wipe those tears from your eyes!Right Down through the wire,I love you and go for you through the fire!!
Eine Bruenette und eine
Blonde gehen im Wald spazieren. Nach einer Weile sagt die Bruenette. Schau mal,
das arme tote Voegelchen! Die Blondine schaut zum Himmel und fragt: "Woooo
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