Now, Bikerwünsche, Motivationssprüche sport in SMS Sprüche, 48ten Geburtstag, Sms Spruch frs Wochenende, Handball aufstieg,
I was always there for you.Did all the things you didn't do.I picked you up when you was down.I made laugh when you was frown.With every beating of my heart, even if I torn apart.I love you more than words can say, but step by step it fades away.And that's not how it used to be, but Now I kNow you've blinded me.My life will never be the same and when I remember the signs it's such a shame.But Now I try to keep my feelings kept and lets pretend we've never met...
Spruch gefunden in Verlassen, Liebeskummer
Are we friends or are we not? You told me once but I forgot tell me Now and tell me true so can I say I`m here for you of all the friends I`ve ever met, you are the one I won`t forget. And if I die before you do, I`ll go to heaven and wait for you. I`ll give the angels back their wings and risk the loss of everything just to prove my frienship is true to have a friend like you!
Spruch gefunden in Liebe, Freundschaft, Romantik
My head tell me:"I hate you." My heard tell me:"I love you. My friend tell me:"forget him." But I tell me:"I don`t kNow,what is to do???
Spruch gefunden in Liebe, Freundschaft, Romantik
Sometimes I’m sad and I wish, that you were here, right here on my side. I wish I could see you laughing, because when you laugh, the sun raises up. Your laugh is a present for me and nothing in the world can replace it. It’s my drug when I think that there is darkness everywhere. I wish you were here and would laugh for me, but I kNow you wouldn’t be here anytime…
Spruch gefunden in Liebe, Freundschaft, Romantik
If you just want to do something, do it Now, because the life is so short!
Spruch gefunden in Weisheiten, Sprichwörter
I will forgive but I won't forget, I hope you kNow you've lost my respect!
Spruch gefunden in Verlassen, Liebeskummer
The shortest word i kNow is ‚I‘, the sweetest is ‚LOVE‘ and the person I never forget is ‘YOU’. Put, them all together : ‘I love you’.
Spruch gefunden in Liebe, Freundschaft, Romantik
I don't kNow why but it is so... ...I will you... ...I need you... ...I LOVE YOU!!!
Spruch gefunden in Liebe, Freundschaft, Romantik
You don´t understand why. You don´t understand why he leaves you. Are you a so bad person ? Did you everything wrong ? Why did he does this ?It´s a question you will never get an answer. Do not let the head! you need to live your life no matter how much you get hurt. You are destroyed during and no longer kNow how to proceed further. Why did this happened? i love you anymore, but you don´t see
Spruch gefunden in Verlassen, Liebeskummer
don`t say goodbye because you kNow that you will see him anytime in your life......he´s in your heart
Spruch gefunden in Verlassen, Liebeskummer
Ein Feldwebel teilt an den Soldaten ihren Monatslohn aus. "IwaNow!" "Hier!" "Nimm deine drei Rubel und unterschreibe!" "Petrow!" "Hier!" "Nimm deine drei Rubel und unterschreibe!" "Insgesamt! Insgesamt! Insgesamt!? Schade, der Kerl ist nicht da, der verdient mehr, als jeder von euch."
Witz gefunden in Bundeswehr
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