tears sprüche, Tears, Tear, tears eyes, tears eye, tears sprßche, tears sprche, tears sprFCche, tears spröche, tears spr, tears sprööche, tears sprööööche, tears sprööööööööööööööööche, tears spröööche, tears sprööööööööche, tears spr25FCche, tears sprööööööche, tears sprööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööche, Tod Abschied, Bestelle, Türchen, Danke an den vater, Fiese guten morgen,
The rules of love: kiss on the lips = i love you, kiss on the ear = you are special, kiss on the nose = laughter xD, kiss on the cheek = friendship, kiss on the furehead = i comfort you, kiss on the neck = i want you, kiss on the shoulder = you're wonderful, kiss anywhere else = be careful, play around with hair = can't live without you, holding hands = happiness, arms around walst = you're mine, a hug = i care, smiling at eachother = i like you, lifting up eyebrowns = flirtation, looking around = hiding true feelings, tender kiss on the side of your lips = i never let you go, wetting you lips = waiting for a kiss, Tear drop = i'm loosing you, crying = i lost you
Spruch gefunden in Liebe, Freundschaft, Romantik
Don't cry darling cause you should keep the Tears for the moment which is really amoment for crying...so see the sun in your life and stop waiting for a man which isn't it worth ....
Spruch gefunden in Liebe, Freundschaft, Romantik
Love begins with a smile, goes on with a kiss and ends with Tears! Love is like a war, it´s easy to begin, hard to end and never to forget!!!
Spruch gefunden in Liebe, Freundschaft, Romantik
Through the fire,to the limit,to the wall!Babyboy I'm not a lyer,I love and that's true!Your love takes me higher and if you go I'll fall!For a chance to be with you,I would risk it all.I'll change ma game 4 you and I want only the best for you!I love you honey,no matter what they say.For a chance to be with you, I'd take it all away!Tell me why you cry?Here take ma hand and wipe those Tears from your eyes!Right down through the wire,I love you and go for you through the fire!!
Spruch gefunden in Liebe, Freundschaft, Romantik
love beginn with a smile, go by a kiss, and end with Tears in your eyes.
Spruch gefunden in Liebe, Freundschaft, Romantik
Love starts with a smile it grows with a kiss it always ends up in Tears and someone to miss.
Spruch gefunden in Verlassen, Liebeskummer
Life is too short to shed bitter Tears.
Spruch gefunden in Verlassen, Liebeskummer
Once I dropped a Tear in the ocean, the day I will find it is the day I will stop loving you...
Spruch gefunden in Liebe, Freundschaft, Romantik
Tears in my eyes because of you.
Spruch gefunden in Verlassen, Liebeskummer
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