The rules of love:
kiss on the lips = i love you,
kiss on the ear = you are special,
kiss on the nose = laughter xD,
kiss on the cheek = friendship,
kiss on the furehead = i comfort you,
kiss on the neck = i want you,
kiss on the shoulder = you're wonderful,
kiss anywhere else = be careful,
play around with hair = can't live without you,
holding hands = happiness,
arms around walst = you're mine,
a hug = i care,
smiling at eachother = i like you,
lifting up eyebrowns = flirtation,
looking around = hiding true feelings,
tender kiss on the side of your lips = i never let you go,
wetting you lips = waiting for a kiss,
tear drop = i'm loosing you,
crying = i lost you
Life is about: trusting your feelings and taking chances, losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories and learning from the past and realizing people always change.
But the strugglers make you stronger, the changes make you wise and happiness has its own way of taking its sweet time.
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