you nd me, r7ze, Weihnachtsgruss Lehrerin, ignoranz0, 70 anni, 35 Geburtstag in SMS SprFCche,
I asked God for a tree - and he gave me a Forest, I asked God for a Flower - and he gave me a garden, I asked God for Water and he gave me the ocean! And I asked God for endless love - and he gave me you!!!
Spruch gefunden in Liebe, Freundschaft, Romantik
Don't ever try to understand everything, some things will just never make sense. Don't ever be reluctant to show your feelings. When you're happy, give in to it. When you're not, live with it. Don't ever be afraid to try to make things better, you might be surprised at the results. Don't ever take the weight of world on your shoulders. Don't ever feel threatened by the future, take life one day at time. Don't ever guilty about the past, what's done is done. Learn from any mistakes you might have made. Don't ever feel that you are alone, there is always somebody there for you and reach out to. Don't ever forget that you can achieve so many of the things you can imagine.Imagine that! It's not as hard as it seems. Don't ever stop loving. Don't ever stop believing. Don't ever stop dreaming your dreams.
Spruch gefunden in Weisheiten, Sprichwörter
I was always there for you.Did all the things you didn't do.I picked you up when you was down.I made laugh when you was frown.With every beating of my heart, even if I torn apart.I love you more than words can say, but step by step it fades away.And that's not how it used to be, but now I know you've blinded me.My life will never be the same and when I remember the signs it's such a shame.But now I try to keep my feelings kept and lets pretend we've never met...
Spruch gefunden in Verlassen, Liebeskummer
Are we friends or are we not? you told me once but I forgot tell me now and tell me true so can I say I`m here for you of all the friends I`ve ever met, you are the one I won`t forget. And if I die before you do, I`ll go to heaven and wait for you. I`ll give the angels back their wings and risk the loss of everything just to prove my frienship is true to have a friend like you!
Spruch gefunden in Liebe, Freundschaft, Romantik
you make me very confusing in my head, just come to me and give me your shoulder to lay back! When you are there, you will be my Teddybär!!! Then you are close to me, and you will see how much you mean to me!!!
Spruch gefunden in Liebe, Freundschaft, Romantik
Through the fire,to the limit,to the wall!Babyboy I'm not a lyer,I love and that's true!your love takes me higher and if you go I'll fall!For a chance to be with you,I would risk it all.I'll change ma game 4 you and I want only the best for you!I love you honey,no matter what they say.For a chance to be with you, I'd take it all away!Tell me why you cry?Here take ma hand and wipe those tears from your eyes!Right down through the wire,I love you and go for you through the fire!!
Spruch gefunden in Liebe, Freundschaft, Romantik
Sometimes I’m sad and I wish, that you were here, right here on my side. I wish I could see you laughing, because when you laugh, the sun raises up. your laugh is a present for me and nothing in the world can replace it. It’s my drug when I think that there is darkness everywhere. I wish you were here and would laugh for me, but I know you wouldn’t be here anytime…
Spruch gefunden in Liebe, Freundschaft, Romantik
One day, you're going to wake up and realize how much you care about me and when that day comes i'll be waking up with THE GUY that already knew.
Spruch gefunden in Liebe, Freundschaft, Romantik
i'll be missing you honey! i love you always and forever! dont forget it, never! Je t'aime mon amour!!!
Spruch gefunden in Liebe, Freundschaft, Romantik
Ich liebe youR EYES, weil sie sind VERY NICE, nur einmal LOOK AT me und bitte nicht FORGET me, mein Herz tik tak FOR you weil I LOVE you!
Spruch gefunden in Liebe, Freundschaft, Romantik
Heini, Gerd und Emil sind zum Vaterschaftsprozeß vorgeladen. Heini: "Ich habe eine Prima Idee: Wenn wir alle die Vaterschaft anerkennen, kann uns gar nichts passieren." Die beiden anderen stimmen begeistert und erleichtert zu. Als erster muß Heini vortreten. "Erkennen Sie die Vaterschaft an?" "Jawohl Herr Richter." "Die Verhandlung ist somit geschlossen."
Witz gefunden in Juristen
Sie werden zu 500 DM Geldstrafe wegen Beamtenbeleidigung verurteilt. Möchten Sie dazu noch etwas sagen?" "Eigentlich ja, Herr Richter. Aber bei den Preisen verzichte ich lieber!"
Witz gefunden in Juristen
Deutsche sind bereit, Opfer zu bringen, um den Standort Deutschland zu retten. Viele Mercedes-Fahrer würden beim Überholen aufs Blinken verzichten, wenn es denn Energie sparen hilft. Für wirtschaftlichen Erfolg müssen wir auf vieles verzichten, was uns lieb und teuer geworden ist: Freizeit, Steuerrabatte, die ehemalige DDR...
Witz gefunden in Harald Schmidt
In England wurde eine Gefängnisküche mit dem Feinschmeckerpreis ausgezeichnet. Zur Belohnung erhielt der Koch noch mal 30 Jahre!
Witz gefunden in Harald Schmidt
Trittin soll jetzt bei Wetten daß..? auftreten und aus 120 Fettnäpfchen das herausfinden, wo er noch nicht hereingetreten ist!
Witz gefunden in Harald Schmidt
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